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  • 上傳含有病毒的檔案,對iStage劇團的財產或其他個人財產造成損失;及
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Cookies 和其他技術

  1. 什麼是 cookies ?
    Cookies 是由您訪問的網站放置在您電腦裡的小文字檔。它們廣泛應用於網站運行,或使其運行得更有效率,以及向網站的擁有者提供資料。
  2. 我們如何使用、為何使用 cookies?
    我們會使用 cookies 來提高iStage劇團網站的使用和性能,從而更好地瞭解訪問者如何使用iStage劇團網站及其上的工具和服務。 Cookies 説明我們根據您的個人需要來定制iStage劇團網站,以提高其易用性,獲得客戶滿意度回饋, 並在互聯網上的其他地方與您交流。
  3. iStage劇團網站可能使用何種類型的 cookies ?
    我們可能在iStage劇團網站上使用如下類型的 cookies :
    會話 cookies —— 這些都是臨時的 cookie 檔,當您關閉您的瀏覽器時,它們會被清除。 當您重新開啟您的瀏覽器,並返回到創建該cookie 的網站時, 該網站會把您當成新的訪客。
    持久 cookies —— 這些cookies 會留在您的瀏覽器上,直到您手動刪除它們,或者直到您的瀏覽器基於該cookie 設置的持續時間將其刪除。 這些cookies 可識別出您是回訪者。
    必要 cookies —— 這些cookies 是運行iStage劇團網站時所必不可少的。它們使您能流覽站點並使用其中的功能。
    向我們發送資訊的 Cookies —— 這些 cookies 設置在iStage劇團網站上 , 只能由該網站讀取。 也就是所謂的「第一方」cookie。
  4. 其他類似技術
    iStage劇團網站也可能利用其他追蹤技術,包括 IP 位址、日誌檔和網路信標,這些技術也有助於我們根據您的個人需要來定制iStage劇團網站。
    IP 位址
    IP 位址是網路上電腦所使用的一串數位,用於在您每次登陸到互聯網時識別您的電腦。我們可能會記錄 IP 位址用於以下目的:(1) 對技術問題進行故障排除,(2) 維護網站的安全性和保密性 (3) 更好地瞭解使用者如何使用我們的網站,以及 (4) 根據您所在國家和地區,更好地調整內容以符合您的需求。
    我們( 或者代表我們的協力廠商 )可能會以日誌檔的形式來收集資訊,該檔記錄了網站活動並收集關於網頁使用者流覽習慣的統計資訊。這些條目都匿名生成,可以幫我們收集(包括但不限於) (1) 使用者的瀏覽器類型和作業系統,(2) 使用者會話資訊(如他們所來自的URL,訪問我們網站的日期和時間, 流覽我們網站的具體頁面,以及在這些頁面的停留時間),和 (3) 其他類似的流覽或點擊流量資料(如網站流量報告和獨立訪問者數量)。
    我們可能會在iStage劇團網站上使用網路信標(或透明 GIF)。網路信標(又稱「網頁臭蟲」)是一種小型代碼串,通過在網頁上發出圖像,從而將資料傳回給我們。我們將網路信標資訊用於各種用途,包括使用者是如何對郵件活動作出回應的資訊(例如打開郵件時,使用者點擊了郵件中的哪些連結等)、網站流量報告、獨立訪問者數量、廣告和郵件審計和報告,以及個人化等。
  5. 管理您的 cookies / 偏好
    您應確保您的電腦設置反映了您是否願意接受 cookies。您可以設置您的瀏覽器,使其在您接受 cookie之前向您發出警告,或者您可以簡單地將其設置為拒絕它們。您不需要cookies 來使用或流覽iStage劇團網站的許多部分,但如果您拒絕的話,可能會無法訪問iStage劇團網站上的全部功能。請參閱您的瀏覽器(例如Internet瀏覽器)上的「 説明」按鈕,查看如何設置。請記住如果您在不同的位置使用不同的電腦,您需要確保每個瀏覽器都被調整過,以適應您的 cookies 偏好。
    網路信標作為構成網頁的一部分,是不可能 「 退出 」 的,但您可以通過設置 cookies 使它們失效。
    此外,在有些地方,您可以選擇允許在您的電腦上放置 cookies ,或通過訪問下面的網站拒絕 cookies ,並選擇您想要拒絕哪個公司的 cookies : HTTP://www.aboutads.info/choices/#completedHTTP://www.youronlinechoices.eu/



Thank you for visiting this website. Please be sure to read the Terms and Conditions contained in this document carefully since any use of this website constitutes your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set out herein.

Throughout this site, the terms “we”, “company” refer to iStage Theatre. and any of its affiliated companies as appropriate to the context. “You” refers to any person accessing and/or using this website.

Website Privacy Notice

Any personal information or material sent to this website are subject to iStage Theatre policy on privacy and protection of personal data set out in the privacy notice located on this website.

Accuracy, completeness and timeliness of information

We are not responsible if the information that we make available on this website is not accurate or complete. Any reliance upon the material on this website shall be at your own risk. You agree that it is your responsibility to monitor any changes to the material and the information contained on this website.


Any non-personal communication or material you transmit to this website by electronic mail or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary. Anything you transmit or post becomes the property of iStage Theatre and may be used for any purpose, including but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting. Furthermore, iStage Theatre is free to use for any purposes whatsoever (including but not limited to the developing, manufacturing, advertising and marketing of products) any ideas, artwork, inventions, developments, suggestions or concepts contained in any communication you send to this website. Any such use is without compensation to the party submitting information. By submitting information, you are also warranting that you own the material/content submitted, that it is not defamatory and that iStage Theatre’s use will not violate any third party’s rights or otherwise place us in breach of any applicable laws. iStage Theatre is under no obligation to use the information submitted.

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You are permitted to browse this website, reproduce extracts by way of printing, downloading to a hard disk or for the purposes of distribution to other individuals. This is only to be done on the proviso that you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices and that the trademark notice above appears on such reproductions. No reproduction of any part of this website may be sold or distributed for commercial gain nor shall it be modified or incorporated in any other work, publication or website.

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Links to other websites

Links on iStage Theatre websites may take you outside iStage Theatre network and systems and iStage Theatre accepts no responsibility for the content, accuracy or function of these other third party websites. The links are provided in good faith and iStage Theatre cannot be held responsible for any subsequent change in other third party websites to which we provide a link. The inclusion of any link to other websites does not imply endorsement by iStage Theatre. We highly recommend that you make yourself aware of and carefully read the legal and privacy notices of all other websites that you visit.

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Your use of this website is at your own and exclusive risk.


This website is provided to you on an “As Is” and “As Available” basis and, consequently, iStage Theatre gives no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise (including the implied warranties of merchantability or satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose) including warranties or representations that material on this website will be complete, accurate, reliable, timely, non-infringing to third parties, that access to this website will be un-interrupted or error-free or free from viruses, that this website will be secure, that any advice or opinion obtained from iStage Theatre through this website is accurate or to be relied upon and any representations or warranties thereto are accordingly expressly disclaimed.

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Further, iStage Theatre shall have no liability or any responsibility whatsoever for any loss suffered caused by viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property by reason of your use of, access to or downloading of any material from this website. If you choose to download material from this website you do so at your own risk.

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You are prohibited from doing any act that iStage Theatre in its absolute discretion may deem to be inappropriate and/or would be deemed to be an unlawful act or is prohibited by any laws applicable to this website including but not limited to:

  • Any act that would constitute a breach of either the privacy (including uploading private information without the concerned individual’s consent) or any other of the legal rights of individuals;
  • Using this website to defame or libel iStage Theatre, its employees or other individuals or acting in such a way that brings into disrepute the good name of iStage Theatre;
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You and iStage Theatre agree that any controversy or claim arising from or pertaining to the use of this website shall be governed by the law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Use of Website

  • Unless otherwise specified, this website is intended for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not authorize others to use this website.
  • We reserve the right to review, edit, move or delete any material provided for display or placed on the website or its bulletin boards, in its sole discretion, without notice.
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If you do not follow the above terms, whether they are in bulletins posted at various points in the website, then we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to this website.

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You agree not to disclose, copy, use, directly or indirectly offer for sale, or disclose to any third party, any Confidential Information disclosed by iStage Theatre. This will be marked “Confidential Information” or with a similar legend and includes proprietary information, processes and technology related to future product or service concepts reviewed and tested in online or offline surveys or discussions.

Cookies and other tracking technologies

  1. What are cookies?
    Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the website.
  2. How and why do we use cookies?
    We use cookies to improve the use and functionality of Nestlé Sites and to gain a better understanding of how visitors use Nestlé Sites and the tools and services offered on them. Cookies help us tailor Nestlé Sites to your personal needs, to improve their user-friendliness, gain customer satisfaction feedback and to communicate to you elsewhere on the internet.
  3. What types of cookies may be used on Nestlé Sites?
    We may use the following types of cookies on Nestlé Sites:

    Session cookies – These are temporary cookie files which are erased when you close your browser. When you restart your browser and go back to the site that created that cookie, the website will treat you as a new visitor.
    Persistent cookies – These cookies stay on your browser until you delete them manually or until your browser deletes them based on the duration period set within the cookie. These cookies will recognize you as a return visitor.
    Necessary cookies – Necessary cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of a Nestlé Site. They enable you to navigate around the site and use our features.
    Cookies that send information to us – These are the cookies that we set on a Nestlé Site and they can only be read by that site. This is known as a “First Party” cookie.

  4. Other similar technologies
    Nestlé Sites also make use of other tracking technologies including IP addresses, log files and web beacons, which also help us tailor Nestlé Sites to your personal needs.
    IP addresses
    An IP address is a number that is used by computers on the network to identify your computer every time you log on to the Internet. We may record IP Addresses for the following purposes: (i) troubleshoot technical concerns, (ii) maintain website safety and security (iii) better understand how our websites are utilized, and (iv) to better tailor content to your needs depending on the country and region you are in.
    Log Files
    We (or a third party on our behalf) may collect information in the form of logs files that record website activity and gather statistics about a user’s browsing habits. These entries are generated anonymously, and help us gather (among other things) (i) a user’s browser type and operating system, (ii) information about a user’s session (such as the URL they came from, the date and time they visited our website, and which pages they’ve viewed on our website and for how long), and, (iii) other similar navigational or click-stream data (e.g. site traffic reporting and unique visitor counts).
    Web Beacons
    We may use web beacons (or clear GIFs) on the Nestlé Sites. Web beacons (also known as “web bugs”) are small strings of code that provide a method of delivering a graphic image on a web page for the purpose of transferring data back to us. We use web beacon information for a variety of purposes, including information as to how a user responds to email campaigns (e.g. the time the email is opened, where the user links to from the email), site traffic reporting, unique visitor counts, advertising and email auditing and reporting, and personalization.
  5. Manage your cookies/preferences

    You should ensure that your computer setting reflects whether you are happy to accept cookies or not. You can set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies, or you can simply set it to refuse them. You do not need to have cookies on to use or navigate through many parts of Nestlé Sites although you may not have access to all the features on Nestlé Sites if you do so. See the ‘help’ button on your browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) for how you can do this. Remember that if you use different computers in different locations, you will need to ensure that each browser is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.

    As a web beacon forms part of a webpage, it is not possible to ‘opt-out’ but you can render them ineffective by opting out of the cookies they set.

    Additionally, where available, you can exercise your choice in allowing for cookies to be placed on your computer or to opt-out of cookies by visiting the following sites and selecting which company’s cookies you would like to opt out of: http://www.aboutads.info/choices/#completed or http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/

Legal notice update

We reserve the right to make any changes and corrections to this notice. Please refer to this page from time to time to review these and new additional information.